The first lecture of Advanced Mathematical Statistics (MTH-522) taught by Dr. Gary Davis was  engaging. We had a great conversation about the course, assignments, projects, we shared a lot of interesting topics. I also learned about WordPress site where we can post our journals.

The professor presented dataset of Washington – Post – police – shootings.  I found that there are common datapoints related to age, gender, city, race. This data indicates different weapons, locations, people with different age etc. I analyzed the dataset using Microsoft Excel and came up with interesting questions:

  • Which state had the most incidents ?
  • What is the age range of individuals involved in the police encounter?
  • How many individuals fled the scene during the incidents?
  • What type of weapons were involved in the incident?
  • In which city the highest number of incidents occur?

However, I’m still enthusiastic about learning more from the dataset.

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